Exotic Proteins
Our Specialty & Exotic Division

Have you been asked to order an exotic meat that you’ve never heard of? Our Specialty & Exotic Division is here to take care of you. We are one of the largest distributors of exotic and specialty products in the United States. We buy in bulk, so you don’t have to.
Exotic proteins are tender, flavorful, and oftentimes leaner than traditional proteins, but can be difficult to source on your own, and that’s why we’re here, to help you take your customers on a culinary adventure!
Our exotic protein offerings are extensive — we have everything from frog legs to python meat to camel and ostrich. Seasonality plays a big role in the availability of exotics, so please contact us with any questions on availability.
Exotic Proteins Available:
*All products subject to availability & seasonality
Alligators are harvested from the wild once a year in September/October in Louisiana, and year-round in Florida. They are farm raised throughout the year in Louisiana as well. The most desired cut is the tail meat for tenderness. Leg and body meat is good for jambalayas, soups, and stews. This lean, white meat and its taste is most similar to chicken.
- Leg & Body Meat
- Spareribs
- Tail Sirloin
- Tail Tenderloin
A delicacy in Southeast Asia and Africa, Burmese Python meat is very lean because the anatomy of snakes is more muscle than fat. The texture is chewy, and the flavor can range from mild to gamey with similarities to chicken and tuna. Our Burmese Python meat is farm raised in Vietnam for human consumption.
- Boneless Python Meat
Camel is low in fat and high in moisture content with a taste sweeter than beef. Camel is a product of Australia.
- Camel Trim
- Ground Camel
- Camel Cube Roll
Frog Legs are better known delicacies of the French and Chinese. The type of frog used for eating is called Edible Frog. Most of the frog legs today are farmed raised in Asia. Frog Legs can be best compared to chicken wings in taste and texture, but some people say that they taste similar to fish.
- Frog Legs 2/4
- Frog Legs 4/6
The feral, or wild, Goat has been present in Australia in quite large numbers since the turn of the century. All Goat sold by Sierra Meat & Seafood Company is farm raised. It is one of the most widely consumed meats in the world through international cuisine.
- 6 Way Cut Goat
- Cubed Skin Off
- Cubed Skin Off Bone In
Today over three million wild Kangaroos are harvested, and the meat is exported to 40 countries each year. An extremely healthy protein, Kangaroo is extremely lean. The fat levels of Kangaroo meat are typically one percent, so the meat must be cooked rare and with care to avoid overcooking.
- Kangaroo Filet
- Kangaroo Denver Leg
- Kangaroo Boneless Leg
Nilgai Antelope is and sourced from the rough lands and desserts of South Texas but originates from India and Nepal. The meat from Nilgai Antelope has a mild flavor with a velvety texture very similar to veal allowing for endless culinary opportunities.
- Nilgai Antelope Tenderloin
- Nilgai Antelope Boneless Loin
- Nilgai Antelope Denver Leg
- Nilgai Antelope Boneless Shoulder
- Ground Nilgai Antelope
- Nilgai Antelope Trim
Rabbit has been known for centuries as one of the most efficient, cleanest, and healthiest proteins. They produce approximately six pounds of meat with the same amount of feed and water it takes to produce one pound of meat from beef cattle.
- Whole Rabbit
- Rabbit Hind Legs
- Rabbit Loin
- Ground Rabbit
Snapping Turtle has the texture of frog legs or lobster. The four legs and the tail are dark meat while the neck and back straps are white meat. Turtle is considered an international delicacy and is also very popular in Cajun cuisine.
- Turtle Meat Boneless
- Turtle Meat Semi Boneless
*State law prohibits the sale and consumption of alligators, kangaroos, and snakes for human consumption in California.